Saturday, April 07, 2007

Breakfast of the Gods

There's trouble brewing in Cerealia, a land eternally bathed in morning sunlight. The king and his wizard advisor have disappeared and a shadow of evil has fallen over the land. Perhaps because he's the wisest or ablest or perhaps because he's the most noble soul in Cerealia, the old sailor named Cap'n Crunch has stepped up to lead the fight against Count Chocula's forces of darkness. What follows is the most important battle of their lives as well as the most important meal of the day.
This online comic tells an epic story using breakfast cereal mascots. It gets dark, probably comparable to a PG-13 rating, but it's fun to see how serious the characters are made out and there's a definite nostalgia factor for those that know or remember the older mascots (I researched them for the museum once but don't remember why).

Book 1 of 3, "The Last Good Morning," is available for free online. I found it thanks to Mike Russell's CulturePulp 59.

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