Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Guitar Riff

It's been noted by some that the central guitar riff in Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is very similar to that of Boston's "More Than A Feeling." But there are actually a couple of other songs I've noticed that use a similar riff (though it took me a long time to make the connection). Play the file below (requires QuickTime) to hear them and tell me if I'm just crazy (or if there are others I'm unaware of.

Update: It appears that due to Apple's DRM restrictions, that 23-second sound clip cannot be played by anyone else than myself. Good job protecting us all from my pirating ways, record labels!

So try this one instead:


Noah Brimhall said...

I got this weird "Computer not authorized to play this song" message when I tried to play the quicktime file. :(

Noah Brimhall said...

Thanks for fixing the file. I agree that they are a similar riff, but I'm not sure I would have noticed had you not put the clips together.

Unknown said...

They're similar in rhythm, but slighty different in their chord progression. You'll notice similarities like these all the time once you start making music. When can we expect your first song, Eddie?