Sunday, March 25, 2007

My "new" blog

Google brought out of its beta status a little while ago, but I've been neglecting to "upgrade" my account.

Last week when I tried to upload the image to Tax Fun I discovered that my EarthLink account space was full (all 10MB!). So because Google is offering free hosting space I took the plunge and have set up shop here at (I really could not think of a better domain prefix).

One great result of this change is that the Blogger toolbar at the top of the page will now successfully search this blog! Which means I was actually able to search and find this relevant post from November 2004.

I'm sure you've noticed some other changes to the sidebar, text, etc. Some of these are under my control and some aren't, but let me know what you do or don't like in the comments.

1 comment:

Eddie Hargreaves said...

This is just a test comment to make sure the comments section is working correctly.