Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Bronfman Fires Back at Apple

The gloves are off in the battle between Apple CEO Steve Jobs and the music industry over the price of downloaded songs.
"We are selling our songs through iPod, but we don't have a share of iPod's revenue," [Warner Music Group CEO Edgar Bronfman Jr.] said. "We want to share in those revenue streams."
The music industry didn't create iTunes, they didn't create the iPod, and they didn't create the iTunes Music Store. They don't pay any money to maintain the store (which certainly requires a lot of bandwidth), don't pay any money for manufacturing or duplication, and they get 70 percent of every purchase made. Could anyone be making more money for less effort? And now they want to get royalties on the iPod?

PC Magazine columnist John C. Dvorak has some good thoughts on this at The New Music Download Battle

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