Monday, May 12, 2008

The 'real' crystal skulls

Real-life skull worship inspires new 'Indy' film

PALENQUE, Chiapas (AP) — There is a legend that the ancient Maya possessed 13 crystal skulls which, when united, hold the power of saving the Earth — a tale so strange and fantastic that it inspired the latest Indiana Jones movie.
I'm already liking the new movie's MacGuffin more than Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom's Sankara Stones, which few (or zero) teams remembered correctly at last year's museum trivia night.


HeatherM said...

...speaking of trivia night, is there going to be one this year? the haggin temple was ridiculously fun! (this is heather m. by the way)

Eddie Hargreaves said...

No plans I know of for a trivia night this year :(