Tuesday, November 01, 2005

macCompanion November 2005

After a long hiatus due to my performance schedule, I've got some new reviews for macCompanion's November issue. One book and one hardware/software product:

  • Spring Into HTML and CSS
    There are seemingly two types of computer books available: the giant, thick tomes for geniuses and the thinner books for 'dummies' and 'idiots.' The "Spring Into" series from Addison-Wesley is designed to fall into the middle of those extremes.

  • Instant Music for Mac
    Since the beginning of the digital music revolution, it has been simple to rip CDs into MP3s or other digital music formats. The more difficult task has been converting LPs, 45s and cassette tapes. That task became even more difficult when Apple removed audio-in ports from most Macs. The ADS Tech Instant Music product makes it easy -- almost fun -- to import cassette tapes and other non-digital audio into your Macintosh.

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