Thursday, July 07, 2005

What is Scientology?

With all the talk from and about Tom Cruise and the evils of psychology, here are some stories that you must read regarding Scientology:

The first is the 1991 Time magazine cover story The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power: "Ruined lives. Lost fortunes. Federal crimes. Scientology poses as a religion but really is a ruthless global scam -- and aiming for the mainstream."

This one is an absolute must, seeing as Time magazine fought a libel suit over it for nearly a decade. It's reprinted thanks to

Then, if you think maybe the 1991 article is outdated, read The Wittenburg Door Interview with Tory Bezazian, published in 2002.

And to bring things up to 2005, you can read AP Religion Writer Richard N. Ostling's Cruise Lends Hollywood Hype to Scientology, published just today.

Supposedly they've stopped suing people, so I should be safe from reprisal. But if any strangers ask you questions about my past, you'll know where they're from.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the links to the Scientology info. When your dad and I lived in Portland in the early '70s there was a huge office downtown where they were headquartered. I remember it had a big mural of outerspace that you could see two blocks down the street.

There seemed to be a lot of other cults that were ever present at the time: the Hari Krishnas for one and then the Bagwhan Shree Rajneesh crowd. We were always approached on the street by one of these groups. And people seemed to be sucked in by the minute.

My most memorable experience with the Church of Scientology was when one of the housemates where we lived had no job and no money. He was trying to bum $3000 off us (that would probably be like $10,000 now) so he could join the church. He called it an investment! The Hari Krishnas seem to have lost their furvor and the Rajneeshes are gone. Too bad Scientology is still weaving its evil web. Glad you know the truth. Oh, and by the way, we don't go to any of the movies Scientologist stars are in. Don't need our money supporting that.